
A good Trainer possesses knowledge of anatomy, biomechanics, and principles of exercise prescription. A great Trainer develops through experience, continued learning, and fine-tuning their body of knowledge. The Trainer Mentorship program was designed to here to take you from good to great



Who is Mentorship For

If you are a Personal Trainer you can benefit from this Mentorship program. We select experienced Mentors who can help you with your desired area of focus, be it skill development, program design, business coaching, and everything in-between. Initially designed for newly Certified Trainers, we adapted this program to help all Trainers improve in one area or another.

How It Works

The best thing about this program is that it’s fully adaptable! The full program is broken down into 5 modules, but you can pick and choose modules to do independently or focus on an area within a module. Once you have an idea of what you’d like to do we’ll coordinate a Mentorship Consult in which we formalize a game plan for success!


Mentorship Modules

The Trainer Mentorship Program is comprised of 5 modules to give each Mentorship candidate the best possible outcomes. You can choose to do the full program, an individual module, or focus on an area within a module like just mobility, or just digital marketing. 

Module 1: Skill Development (6 Hours) *Most Popular*

    • Movement & Mobility
    • Equipment competency
    • Foundations, technique, and form
    • Advanced lifting (Olympic & Power Lifting)
    • Regressions, progressions, and scaled exercise
    • Cueing and corrective exercise

Module 2: Programming (2 Hours)  

    • Client program design
    • Individualization considerations
    • Specificity of design
    • Nutritional basics

Module 3: Client Assessments/Consults (4 Hours)

    • Mobility assessment
    • Rehabilitative considerations
    • Sales
    • Communication

Module 4: Business Development (2 Hours) 

    • Starting your business
    • Documents, forms, and legal

Module 5: Media & Marketing (2 Hours)

    • Social media presence
    • Website development
    • Marketing mix


The Mentorship Program is an investment in your career and future as a Personal Trainer. You can tailor the program to fit your needs by selecting one or multiple modules, you can do the full program, or select an aspect of a module to focus on. To book your Mentorship Consult click the link below to get started! 





The Fitness Centre is open 6am-8pm (M-F) and 8am-12pm (Sa,Sun)

800B Cloverdale Avenue, Victoria, BC